Touch gestures are like keyboard shortcuts for your touchscreen devices. You can perform many actions using your fingers, including selecting items, drag ‘n drop, moving files and folders, and many more actions that can be performed with your fingers on your touch screen devices. You can use touch gestures on your Windows 11 touchscreen devices, however, you must enable or turn it on. To do that, go to the Start menu ==> Bluetooth & devices > Touch > Three- and four-finger touch gestures. Turn it on if it’s not already enabled. Also, if your device’s touch screen is disabled or you want to enable it, read the post below. How to disable or enable touch screen on Windows 11 Below we’ll provide you with a list of touchscreen gestures you can use for Windows 11 to get work done.

How to use touch gestures in Windows 11

As mentioned above, touch gestures will let you perform physical actions on a touch screen with your finger(s). Note: When touch gestures are enabled, three- and four-finger interactions in your apps might not work. To continue using these interactions in your apps, turn off this setting. That should do it! Conclusion: This post showed you how to use touch gestures with touch screen devices running Windows 11. If you find any error above or have something to add, please use the comment form below.