This experience is known as Windows welcome experience. This feature helps onboard users to Windows, for instance launching Microsoft Edge with a web page highlighting new features. If you disable the feature, the Windows welcome experience will no longer display when there are updates and changes to Windows and its apps. If you prefer to keep getting feature highlights after updates, then simply ignore this setting. Windows 11 will continue to display the welcome experience when you sign in after an update.

How to disable Windows welcome experience in Windows 11

As mentioned above, Windows occasionally highlights what’s new and suggested when you sign into your computer after an update. You can turn that feature off using the steps below. Windows 11 has a centralized location for the majority of its settings. From system configurations to creating new users and updating Windows, all can be done from its System Settings pane. To get to System Settings, you can use the Windows key + I shortcut or click on Start ==> Settings as shown in the image below: Alternatively, you can use the search box on the taskbar and search for Settings. Then select to open it. Windows Settings pane should look similar to the image below. In Windows Settings, click System, then select the Notifications tile on the right pane as shown in the image below. On the Notifications settings pane, uncheck the tile, that reads: Show me the Windows welcome experience after updates and occasionally when I sign in to highlight what’s and suggested to disable this feature. That should do it! You can exit the Settings app.

How to enable the Windows welcome experience in Windows 11

If you wish to continue getting welcome highlights occasionally after an update, you can enable the Windows welcome experience by reversing the steps above and going to the Start menu ==> Settings ==> System ==> Notifications ==> and check the tile for Show me the Windows welcome experience after updates and occasionally when I sign in to highlight what’s and suggested That should do it! Conclusion: This post showed you how to disable or enable the Windows welcome experience in Windows 11. If you find any error above or have something to add, please use the comment form below.