If you’re looking for open-source CRM or ERP software to run your operations, Odoo should be considered. Odoo can be installed in many different ways on Ubuntu Linux. The easiest and quickest way to install Odoo is by using the official Odoo APT repositories. However, you lose control when you have Odoo install and configure settings that you may not know where and how they’re configured. Below will show you how to download, install and use Odoo on Ubuntu Linux.

How to install Odoo package dependencies on Ubuntu Linux

To perform a custom Odoo installation, you’ll have to install packages like Git, Node.js, Pip, and others. Run the commands below to install supporting dependencies to install Odoo.

How to create an Odoo system user on Ubuntu Linux

After installing the required packages above, you’ll also want to create a system account for Odoo. Running Odoo with root privileges poses great security risks. To create a system account to use with Odoo, simply run the command below to create a system account called odoo. The account home directory will be /opt/odoo

How to install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu Linux

Odoo uses the PostgreSQL database to store its content. To get PostgreSQL installed, simply run the commands below. After installing the database server, enable and start it by running the commands below. Next, create a PostgreSQL database account for Odoo. Run the commands below to create a new database account called odoodbuser.

How to Install Wkhtmltopdf on Ubuntu Linux

To print PDF reports, you’ll need Wkhtmltopdf. This package contains sets of open-source tools to render HTML into PDF and various image formats on Linux systems, including Ubuntu Linux. To install the package, run the commands below.

How to install and configure Odoo on Ubuntu Linux

Now that you have installed all dependencies, install and created the PostgreSQL database and account, continue below to download, install and configure Odoo on Ubuntu Linux. The first thing you’ll want to do is switch to the Odoo system account we created above by running the commands below: At the time of this post, the latest version of Odoo is version 15. If there is a newer version of Odoo available, you should clone that instead. To clone Odoo version 15, run the commands below. When the download completes, change into Odoo’s directory and run the commands below to configure and install all requirements for Odoo. After that create a new directory for Odoo custom addons. Exit: When you’re done, add the Odoo admin password, database name, and database account name to its configuration file. Run the commands below to open Odoo’s configuration file. Then copy and paste the lines below into the file, save and exit. Save your changes and exit

How to create a Systemd unit file on Ubuntu Linux

At this point, all should be set. What you need to do now is to create a systemd unit file to control the startup, restart, and shutdown of Odoo services. Then copy and paste the lines below into the file, save, and exit When you’re done, reload the systemd daemon and start up the Odoo service. To check Odoo status and verify it’s installed and running, run the commands below: You should see similar messages below: That should do it if you follow and complete all the steps above.

How to login to Odoo on Ubuntu Linux

Once you see a successful status above, you can then open your browser and browse to the Odoo portal using the server hostname or IP address followed by port 8069. You should then see the Odoo setup page. Use the master password you created in /etc/odoo.conf file. then type a new database name odoodb and admin email address. then click Create database Use the database user account and the admin password defined in the configuration file to complete the setup. Once all is entered correctly, you should be able to complete the setup and start using Odoo. For those who run into issues where they’re getting Internal server errors or getting errors when opening the Odoo setup wizard, they should configure PostgreSQL to trust all local connections. Run the commands below to open the PostgreSQL configuration file. Replace the version number with the version installed on your system. Then change the highlighted line in the file and save. Replace MD5 or Peer with trust. Save and exit, then restart PostgreSQL. If you want to use a reverse proxy with Odoo, click either link below to set up a reverse proxy with Nginx or Apache. How to setup reverse proxy with Nginx How to setup reverse proxy with Apache Conclusion: This post showed you how to install and configure Odoo on Ubuntu Linux. If you find any error or have something to add, please use the comment form below.