But CyberPanel is a next-generation hosting control platform that is built for speed, security, and stability powered by OpenLiteSpeed. With CyberPanel, you get LSCache – a built-in full-page LSCache module with cache plugins for popular CMS, ModSecurity – built-in support for ModSecurity, real-time defense against web application attacks, 1-Click SSL- a free Let’s Encrypt SSL for your websites, and many other cool features. For more about CyberPanel, please visit its homepage.

Download the CyberPanel installer script

CyberPanel has an easy installer script to get the platform working on Ubuntu. To get the installer script, run the commands below First, update the Ubuntu server by running the commands below: sudo apt update Then use the commands below to download the script into the /temp directory, and change the permission to make it executable.

Install CyberPanel

After downloading the script and changing the permissions above, run the commands below to begin the installation. When you do that, you should see a series of prompts to guide you with the installation. Choose the highlighted options below to have a smooth installation. Next, you be prompted with the next screen, select the option below: After that, the script should start downloading and installing the packages you chose. When the installation is complete, you should see a similar screen to the one below with the administrator login details. Copy the details and log on to the control panel portal. That should bring up the login page when you can log on with the admin info printed above. That’s it! You have successfully installed CyberPanel on Ubuntu 16.04 | 18.04 LTS servers. You may also like the post below: