Sometimes you may want to know which version of Windows is installed on your PC. Knowing the version can help you decide what software or system drivers to install if you need to. While you probably won’t want to know the exact version number for whatever Windows version you have installed, knowing the general information about your systems can be important. Seasons professionals can simply run a few commands and determine Windows’ version. However, if you’re new, a few steps might be needed to find out and this post is going to show you how. When you want to know the version of Windows currently installed on your machine, follow the steps below: To find out which version of Windows your device is running, Press the Windows logo key + R, (or click Start and search for Run to find the run command program). type winver in the Open box, and then select OK. When you press OK, it should quickly tell you which version of Windows you’re running but not the details. This should be enough in many cases. However, to view more details of the version and architecture, follow the steps below Here’s how to learn more:

Select the Start button > Settings  > System  > About. Under Device specifications > System type, see if you’re running a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Windows. Under Windows specifications, check which edition and version of Windows your device is running.

From there you should see a lot more details about your Windows operating system, including computer name, build number, processor information, installed RAM, product ID, and many more. The Windows 10 edition you have installed, as well as the system type (64-bit or 32-bit), can all be found listed on the screen above. To view even more details from the Control Panel, go to Start ==> Control Panel ==> System and Security ==> System From there select Device Manager to view devices installed and configured on your systems. These should give you enough information about your systems and the version of Windows you’re running.