A file or folder can be copied or moved to a new location by using the mouse and dragging and dropping to the new location. Users can also copy and move files and folders by using keyboard shortcuts on the command line terminal. For example, you might want to copy or move a document from your computer to a removable thumb drive so you can take it home with you. You may want to make a copy of the document to a memory drive before making changes to it. These are all reasons why learning how to copy or move files and folders on Ubuntu is important.

How to copy and paste files in Ubuntu Linux

To copy and file and paste to a new location, use the steps below: Select the file you want to copy by clicking on it once. Right-click and pick Copy or press CTRL + C. Go to the location where you want to put the copy of the file. Click the menu option and pick Paste to finish copying the file, or press CTRL + V.  The file should now appear in the new location.

How to cut and paste files in Ubuntu Linux

To cut and paste a file from one location to another, use the steps below: Select the file you want to move by clicking on it once. Right-click and pick Cut or press CTRL + X. Got to the new location where you want to move the file. Click the menu option in the toolbar and pick Paste to finish moving the file, or press CTRL + V. The file should now be moved from the older location to the new location.

How to drag files in Ubuntu Linux

To drag and drop a file from one location to another use the steps below: Open the file manager and go to the folder which contains the file you want to drag. Click Files in the top bar, and select New Window (or press CTRL + N) to open a second window. In the new window, navigate to the folder where you want to move or copy the file. Click and drag the file from one window to another. This will move it if the destination is on the same device or copy it if the destination is on a different device. You cannot copy or move a file into a read-only folder. Some folders are read-only to prevent you from making changes to their contents. You can change things from being read-only. That should do it! Conclusion: This post showed you how to copy, cut, or move files and folders in Ubuntu Linux. If you find any error above or have something to add, please use the comment form below.