Ubuntu Linux allows users to add, change and remove pictures from their accounts. Photos you add to your profile are associated with your account and what the account represents. You can add pictures to your profile to distinguish and identify you on the login screen from other accounts. You can change the picture to any already included in Ubuntu or add a unique picture of you from your camera or phone. When setting up an account image, you can take and use pictures that you snap from your laptop camera or download and import pictures from anywhere. Once you add a picture, you should see the new image on the login screen to identify your account. By default, if you don’t add an image to your account profile, a black image space will be added and left blank. All users will have the same image, except for unique account names.

How to add an account picture in Ubuntu Linux

As described above, users can add and remove account pictures in Ubuntu Linux. Below is how to add, change or remove an account picture in Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu Linux has a centralized location for the majority of its settings. From system configurations to creating new users and updating, all can be done from the System Settings panel. Alternatively, click on the System menu at the top-right corner of the top bar on your desktop. On the System menu, select Settings as highlighted below. In the Settings app, click on the Users tile to open the panel. In the System Settings -> Users settings panel, select the user account that you want to change its profile picture. Next, click the image space next to the account name to choose other pictures available to you. Once you click on the image space, it will list available images you can choose from or select other files from your computer or camera. That should do it! You can now close the Settings app. Conclusion: This post showed you how to change your account picture in Ubuntu Linux. If you find any error above or have something to add, please use the comment form below.