It’s a great tool that may come in handy in a time of trouble. Not only can it back up MySQL databases automatically, but it also comes with many features like email notifications, incremental backups, backup compression, and encryption. If you’re looking for a simple yet powerful tool to automatically back up MySQL databases, you may want to try this. You probably won’t regret it. This brief tutorial is going to show you how to install and configure it on Ubuntu servers. To get it installed and configured, follow the steps below

Install AutoMySQLBackup

This post assumes you already have a MySQL server installed and have a few databases to back up. If you haven’t done that, please search on this blog to find easy tutorials on installing MySQL or MariaDB servers. When you have a MySQL server installed and a few databases created, continue below to install AutoMySQLBackup. Run the commands below to install the tool. During the installation, you’ll be prompted to choose a mail configuration as shown below. Select Internet Site if you’re going to be setting up email notifications. If not, then just select No configuration. After selecting your options, select Ok to continue with the installation.

Configure AutoMySQLBackup

Now that the tool is installed, go and configure it. I couldn’t find any configuration file created, so I had to create one myself. The default configuration directory for AutoMySQLBack is at: Create a new configuration file with the parameters as shown below. Run the commands below to create a new configuration file. Then add the content below into the file and save. Save the file Now to run the backup manually, just type the commands below. sudo automysqlbackup To automatically run the backup daily, run the commands below. That’s it! Also, look in the folder below for backup jobs that were run manually. Summary: This post shows students and new users an easy want to automatic MySQL backup on Ubuntu. With the AuthMySQLBackup tool, one can set a backup job to run daily, weekly, or monthly. The job will then back up all MySQL databases and store them in the location specified. Enjoy!